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CODEX® is now PhenoCycler,
Phenoptics™ is now Phenolmager.

Know Thy Neighborhood: Spatial Phenotyping of Cells at the Neighborhood Level

Webinar | August 24, 2021 | 8 AM PDT, 11 AM EDT, 5 PM CEST

In health and disease, cells do not exist in isolation but form communities of specialized cells that interact and shape each other’s fate. These cellular neighborhoods are made up of common building blocks, but how these building blocks interact differs across disease states. In this webinar, we will demonstrate how single-cell spatial phenotyping with PhenoCycler™ (formerly CODEX®) provides a unique insight into cellular neighborhoods. We will discuss the cellular neighborhoods uncovered in a recent study from Garry Nolan’s lab at Stanford University and provide a walk-through of the bioinformatic tools available to reveal complex cellular neighborhoods in single-cell spatial phenotyping datasets.

What you will learn:

  • How single specialized cells are organized into complex cellular neighborhoods
  • How researchers are studying cellular neighborhoods in health and disease
  • How PhenoCycler data can help you uncover and compare distinct neighborhood signatures




Clemens Duerrschmid

Clemens Duerrschmid, PhD

Technical Application Scientist Akoya Biosciences