In Cancer Biology,
Context Matters

Uncover immunotherapy biomarkers by visualizing the tumor microenvironment in context

We’ve rebranded some of our products, learn more ›

CODEX® is now PhenoCycler,
Phenoptics™ is now Phenolmager.

Unmet Need in Cancer Immunotherapy

Despite the progress we’ve made in cancer immunotherapy, response rates continue to remain in the 20 to 30% range. There’s a need for biomarkers that can accurately predict response to treatment.


Understanding Cancer-Immune Biology

Immunotherapy treatments rely on the activation of the immune system to fight and kill tumor cells. The key to understanding more about tumor-immune biology lies in studying the complexity of the tumor microenvironment.

Transforming Your Approach to Cancer Biomarker Discovery

Multispectral Imaging enables the discovery of biomarker signatures from a single FFPE tissue section, while preserving the spatial context of the tumor microenvironment.



See how cells organize and interact in the tumor microenvironment


Shift the paradigm from subjective IHC measurements to quantitative, reproducible multiplex imaging


Reliably predict immunotherapy response and disease progression through novel biomarker signatures

Spatial Phenotypic Signatures - Predicting Immunotherapy Response

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A New Biomarker Class in the Tumor Microenvironment
interactions and cell densities of tumor and immune cells off
interactions and cell densities of tumor and immune cells on
interactions and cell densities of tumor and immune
Spatial Phenotypic Signatures (SPS) measure the
Interactions and Cell Densities
Of Tumor and Immune Cells
in the tumor microenvironment.
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Measuring Spatial Phenotypic Signatures
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icon measuring
Spatial Phenotypic Signatures can be
accurately measured with
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Better Predictive Capabilities and Reproducibility
A multi-institutional study found that mIF had
Higher Predictive Accuracy
than PD-L1 IHC and genomic biomarkers.
higher predictive bright
higher predictive perfect test
higher predictive mif
higher predictive bright
higher predictive background
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Saving Precious Time and Tissue Samples
With multiplex imaging, you can:
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icon tissue
Analyze dozens of cell phenotypes and their spatial interactions from a
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icon clock
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Standardization Efforts

The value of Spatial Phenotypic Signatures in translational and clinical research relies on a standardized and reproducible workflow.

MITRE: First Multi-Site mIF Standardization Study

6 leading institutions, across academia and pharma, established the inter- and intra-site reproducibility of the Phenoptics multiplex imaging workflow.

Validating Multiplex Imaging Panels for PD-L1 Testing

Studies by pathologists at Queen’s University show high concordance between DAB IHC and multispectral imaging panels for profiling immunotherapy biomarkers.

Bringing Multiplex Imaging to the Clinic

Dr. Joe Yeong, Immunopathologist at the Singapore General Hospital predicts that multiplex imaging is poised to transform the cancer biomarker landscape.

What's New

Immune Biomarker Trailblazer at Columbia University Validates mIF Workflow for Melanoma

The Tumor Neighborhood Watch

Queen's University Offers Comprehensive Opal Multiplex Optimization and Validation Protocols

Would You Like to Implement
mIF-Based Spatial Phenotypic Signatures in Your Research?