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The October 2021 Image Contest: Meet the Winners

After an amazing turnout for our first social media image contest, we decided to hold another. We asked our followers on LinkedIn and Twitter to submit their most eye-catching tissue images, and they did not disappoint. Our judges had a tough time choosing the top three winning images. Check out their picks and the scientists behind them.

Sarah Nersesian, MSc, Dalhousie University

Sarah is currently a PhD candidate at Dalhousie University. She captured this image at 20X and re-created it digitally in collaboration with David Edgar, a talented young artist who suddenly passed away in July. The image is of tonsil tissue stained with CD16a, CD56, CD94, CD68, CD3, PacnCk, and DAPI using Opal™ reagents, the Mantra™ Quantitative Pathology Workstation, and inForm® software.

Sarah Nersesian

Sarah Nersesian


David Edgar

oct21 img contest snersesian

Tonsil tissue. For David

Aaron Rozeboom, PhD, Georgetown University

This vibrant image is of a section of normal adjacent colon. Aaron stained the tissue with active beta-Catenin, CD25, CD3, CD45RO, AXL and panMelanoma using Opal dyes. The slide was imaged at 40x with the Vectra® 3 imaging system. Images were unmixed with inForm software.

aaron rozeboom

Aaron Rozeboom


Normal adjacent colon tissue

Marion Joy, PhD, UPMC Hillman and NSABP Foundation

Marion captured this image of chronic kidney transplant rejection tissue stained with CD31, CD3, CD16, IL21R, CD160, and CD56, using the Vectra Polaris™ imaging system.


Marion Joy

oct21 img contest mjoy

Chronic kidney transplant rejection tissue.

Our congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who submitted images. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to see more images like these every week!

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